Health Benefits of Cassia Fistula:

Typical name:

Origin, Submission and Structure of Cassia:
Cassia or getting rid of cassia is one of the most beautiful plants of Native Bangladesh . It is a little to medium-sized shrub with substance results in and huge, glowing, green pamphlets. It has bright yellow blossoms in very huge, clinging divisions and dark or glowing darkish,50 to 60 cm long almost round fruits and veggies.
The shrub is also known as Native Bangladesh Laburnum due to its similarity in colour and abundance of blossoms with the Western Laburnum. The trade name is based on its medical name but the specific name fistula, which means a shepherd's tube, represents the shape of its fruit.

The results in of the shrub contain anthraquinone types and very li\tle tannin. The main debris, besides tannin, contains phlobaphenes and oxy-anthraquinone substance; the pulp contains'rhein, the major anthraquinone combination, a bit of unpredictable oil, three wax-like ingredients and a resinous material.
Healing Power and Treatment Qualities of Cassia:
Nearly all areas of the shrub have therapeutic properties. The fruits and veggies are, however, most important and are included in the Native indian Drug Codex.

The pulp from the fruits and veggies, called cassia pulp, is a well-known natural, and is used in the treatment of Bowel problems. It can be securely taken even by kids and mothers-to-be. About 50 grms of the pulp is saturated in the water instantaneously. It is then damaged in the morning and taken with 25 grms of glucose.
The pulp of cassia is a light, enjoyable and safe purgative. Approximately four grms of the pulp is taken with an equal variety of glucose or tamarind. As a purgative, 30 to 60 grms are required, but this amount may cause abdominal colic, feeling sick and unwanted gas. It is therefore generally used in combination with other drugs, ideally in combination with the results in of senna, botanically known as cassia angustifolia.
Common Cold
The main of the shrub is useful in accordance cool. in case of running nasal area, smoke from the burning main can be consumed. It motivates a massive nasal area release and provides comfort.
The main of the shrub is a pick-me-up and useful in reducing high temperature. An addict extract of the root-bark is used for dark the water high temperature.
Intestinal Disorders
For kids suffering from unwanted gas, the cassia pulp can be applied around the belly button to ensure evacuation. Blended with linseed or almond oil, it can be rubbed on the stomach for reducing the bowels.

Skin Disorders

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